Dell PowerStore Specially designed for the data age


PowerEdge rack server

PowerStore ranks high in usability

Summary Info

A new intelligentinfrastructure centered on data and with strong adaptability can meet variousrequirements while simplifying IT operations.

2. The innovativeAppsON feature allows you to run virtualized workloads directly on the array,making it portable, agile, and fast.

3. A dedicatedarray with built-in VMware SQLite virtual machine management program. 1.Supplement and expand your current VMware investment.

Data centric approach

● Any workload - adopting a singlearchitecture for physical, virtual, and container based applications anddatabases. Designed specifically for achieving 99.9999% availability

● Performance optimization: Adoptingend-to-end NVMe design, compared to the previous array, the speed can beincreased by up to 7 times, and the response time can be increased by up to

Shorten by 3 times4

Vertical andhorizontal expansion independently add capacity or processing capability.

● Ultra high efficiency without discount -with the always on in line data reduction technology, it can achieve an averageDRR5 of 4:1


● Programmable infrastructure - end-to-endautomation simplifies IT and DevOps

● Automatic equipment with built-in machinelearning to optimize resources

Proactiveoperational analysis - intelligent monitoring can reduce risks and predictdemand

Strong adaptability

● Flexible architecture - Container basedsoftware stack supports application mobility

●Flexible deployment to achieve seamlessmodernization of core, edge, and cloud without interruption

●Flexible consumption provides rich choices,predictability, and investment protection through on-demand payment solutionsand on-site upgrades

dell workstation tower


A new storage infrastructure approach is needed toaddress the challenges of modern data centers

In the new era ofdata, the combination of large amounts of data and excellent technologicalinnovation provides opportunities for enterprises of all sizes to becomedisruptive and powerful digital organizations. However, despite this potential,many businesses are aware that digital transformation can be complex andchallenging. Data has become more diverse than ever before, with data beingcreated, processed, and stored anywhere from the edge to the cloud. Mostorganizations have found that no single infrastructure can meet all their dataneeds, so they utilize different architectures, resulting in isolated ITresource islands that are managed and used separately. Meanwhile, due to theneed to provide higher levels of simplicity and agility in business, IT isfacing increasing pressure. Enterprise level local deployment storage must nowprovide the same operational flexibility as the cloud, making it moreadaptable, automated, and easily integrated with existing managementframeworks. To meet these conflicting requirements, a new storage architectureand approach are needed. Dell Technologies launches PowerStore, a modernstorage device designed specifically for the data age. This disruptive newplatform can fully tap into the value of data regardless of its structure orlocation, helping you adjust and transform IT without disrupting currentoperations.

The starting point is extraordinary

Over the years,specially constructed storage arrays have continuously evolved and played animportant role in data centers, providing continuously expanding performance,capacity, and risk resistance capabilities for mission critical workloads.PowerStore starts with excellent modern storage technology and provides a newtype of storage device with advanced services to complement and expand existingon premises environments.

Various workloads

PowerStore is adata block. File and VMware Wols provide a single architecture that utilizesnew technologies to support various enterprise level traditional and modernworkloads, ranging from relational databases to ERP and EMR applications, cloudnative applications, and file based workloads such as content repositories andhome directories. Provide DC low-voltage line power supply and NEBS readysolutionsBeing able to accommodate applications, multi protocol networks, and diverse storage formats (physical and virtual volumes, containers, traditional files) in a 2U device provides flexibility to support business development and helps IT departments simplify and integrate infrastructure.

Optimized for performance

PowerStoreutilizes new generation innovative technologies such as end-to-end NVMe (FC andEthernet) and dual port Intel Opotan solid state drives (SSDs) as storage gradememory (SCM). Compared to previous generations of Dell storage, it can increasethe IOPs of actual workloads by up to 7 times and reduce latency by 1/34,providing you with all the expansion space you need to ensure value over a longperiod of time across multiple solution lifecycles.

Vertical and horizontal expansion

The ability toexpand the initial PowerStore configuration is both simple and efficient, asperformance and capacity can be independently expanded. Each PowerStore devicehas dual active active nodes and can add drives one by one until it expands toover 6.1 PBe NVMe capacity. 9 can freely combine devices and form clusters in ajoint configuration to improve processing power and achieve NVMe capacityexceeding 23 PBe. 5

Enterprise availability

No matter how youexpand your business, PowerStore's patented Dynamic Resilience Engine (DRE)ensures the security of business critical data. It utilizes advancedvirtualization methods to prevent multiple drive failures from occurringsimultaneously, while maintaining efficiency and significantly saving costs.

In a multi deviceenvironment, local file, data block, and WWols replication can provide datamobility and policy based secure, immutable snapshot protection for anyworkload. The local Metro synchronous replication is suitable for shorterdistances (no more than 60 miles) and provides you with a pure software zeroRTO/RPO high availability solution. You can configure it with just six clicksat no additional cost!

With PowerStore'sPowerProtect DD integration, you can even use the included instant accessfeature to directly set up and manage remote or multi cloud backups from thePowerStore Manager UI, making it easy to perform fine-grained restores.

Network security

PowerStore usessecure snapshots. Static data encryption, multi factor authentication, filelevel retention (FLR) Hardware trust root, security analysis, and new STIG modesuitable for the US federal/DoD environment help you prevent constantlychanging network security threats. Data security is the core foundation ofPowerStore, which is developed in accordance with NIST standards and can helporganizations accelerate the adoption of zero trust methods, thereby preventingand recovering from attacks faster and easier than ever before.

Builtin intelligence, easy to achieve transformation

However, simplyhaving the ability to respond to change is not enough, you need to ensure thatthe change is completed in a simple way and does not cause businessinterruption

Self optimizingequipmentPowerStore's integrated intelligence automatically optimizes efficiency, performance, and availability without manual intervention, even during rapid strategic transformations. After inserting a new drive, all storage services will automatically complete the configuration As the solution evolves and changes, you can benefit from intelligent data reduction capabilities backed by Dell's industry-leading 5:1 DRR Guarantee 7, always keeping capacity and power costs at a low level, minimizing data footprint in thebackground without affecting performance.

For bothindividual and clustered devices, the Al/ML process eliminates manylabor-intensive tasks and decision points. PowerStore enables faster deliveryof applications and services, reducing management interactions by up to 99%,from volume allocation to migration, resource balancing, and problem solving.12 other intelligent features can handle metadata layering and QoS, and theaccompanying SmartFabric Storage Software can even eliminate manual work in thenetwork with the first automated end-to-end NVMe deployment. Thirteen

Active operation status analysis

When you need tomake decisions, PowerStore can help you quickly move forward throughintelligent analysis and correlation insights across multiple infrastructurecategories, including servers, storage, networks, and clouds. PowerStore'sAlOps application, Dell APEX AlOps, accelerates problem-solving speed, reducesnetwork security risks, improves employee productivity, and predicts futureneeds through a new generative Al assistant, supporting convenient cloud accessusing any mobile device.

Dell PowerEdge server

Dynamic AppSON combines pure computing VxRail dynamic nodes with PowerStore T model devices in a tightly integrated solution, allowing users to independently scale computing or storage. It enhances the flexibility of both platforms, allowing VxRall environments to enjoy PowerStore's enterprise level efficiency, data protection, and resilience features, and helps PowerStore environments quickly expand computing power to cope with CPU intensive workloads, while providing end-to-end automation and management integration to simplify operations.

PowerEdge rack server

Choose your own deployment and purchase methods


PowerStore can be deployed as a standalone device to supplement existing infrastructure, or as a storage option in the integrated automated infrastructure cloud platform Dell VxBlock for CI No matter which mode you choose, flexible purchasing options can simplify storage purchases and meet organizational needs. From traditional capital expenditures to APEX subscription services that are highly consistent in cost and usage, PowerStore can bring better technological and financial results. Whether you are simply adding storage or launching end-to-end solutions involving multiple product categories, we will ensure that you get as much return as possible from your IT expenses at the beginning and when expanding your environment.

Programmable infrastructure

PowerStore's intelligent features simplify your entire ecosystem, simplifying application development and automating storage workflows through powerful REST APIs and integration with excellent orchestration frameworks. DevOps users can use Ansible on the platform Terrafom and Container Storage Interface (CSI) plugin integration directly provision PowerStore resources from Kubemetes, reducing deployment time from days to seconds. Dell Container Storage Modules (CSM) provide additional enterprise level storage capabilities for Kubemetes, supporting cloud native workloads, while Amazon EKS support allows you to run container orchestration across public and local clouds.

Bidirectional VMware integration

PowerStore provides end-to-end VMware visibility in the PowerStore Manager interface and enables direct provisioning of virtual machine level PowerStore service resources from VMware. No matter which management approach you prefer, these integrations can help you analyze and control PowerStore resources in VMware

The usage in the environment minimizes workload and risks to the greatest extent possible, and solves problems faster. Other integrations include vRO, VAAI, and VASA support with VSI plugins, native data blocks, Vols and file data storage, Wols over NVMe networking, and native Wols replication. These features make PowerStore highly suitable for standalone VMware storage deployments and as a complement to HCI solutions such as Dell VxRail nodes (see Dynamic AppsON sidebar)

Mixed cloud and cloudy

PowerStore's software driven architecture supports a range of hybridcloud and multi cloud services, providing greater flexibility than ever before.PowerStore can help you leverage the advantages of various cloud providerswhile reducing overall costs and maintaining complete control over data,ranging from VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) solutions that extend local HANAmanagement to the cloud, to ultra efficient encrypted backups usingPowerProtect DD Virtual Edition Cloud Tier, or bidirectional migration withDell APEX Block Storage for Public Cloud.

Continuous modernization

If the advantage is nothing more, this series of powerful enterprise functions can already provide incredible worry free value for the future. However, the platform also aims to simplify the transition in the development of PowerStore technology itself.

Innovation knows no bounds

PowerStore's container based software architecture, known as PowerStoreOS, isolates various operating system components into microservices, thereby improving performance Fault tolerance and security. This unique flexibility also enables the PowerStore engineering team to deliver new and enhanced features at a different speed than ever before, quickly delivering innovation to customers in the form of non disruptive upgrades.

All inclusive software subscription

Purchasing hardware comes with all array software, including initial operating system versions and ongoing performance and feature upgrades. No need to purchase or maintain licenses, all software enhancements are provided free of charge throughout the product lifecycle.

Seamless hardware upgrade

The modular hardware platform of PowerStore has also been carefully designed to achieve continuous modernization. For example, first generation customers can upgrade the performance of their current devices to the same model (or higher) as the second generation through a simple node controller replacement, while retaining their existing drives. Basic chassis and all expansion cabinets. These on-site upgrades can be completed without downtime and will not affect the application.

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